Weekly math quiz!

Guess who’s back!? Our weekly math quiz! (YEEEEYYY!) After our holiday month of October and CAT-4 testing, we will get back into our routine of math quiz Thursday. Math homework will be set the week before (Last week’s homework: data management will be the focus of this Thursday’s quiz) I will always set a homework linked to the focus and extra work can be requested.

Please find below extra practise. Paper copies are available from Miss M.

Fun times this week in Grade 3

Where are these weeks going? I cannot believe we are in November and there is snow! The week began with a completion of our Science celery experiment. This experiment look at celery cell makeup and how water is soaked up through the celery plant and what would happen if a ‘foreign’ addition to the water (food colouring). The plant was left for 1 week to soak up the water and dye and then dissect the plant to investigate what was happening inside.

We then had a class workshop with Brigitte looking at the Rings of Responsibility we all have when online. Students needed to think about how and what they responsible for in their lives, in their community and in the wider world.


Finally, we are coming to the end of our data management unit in Math. We are not re-capping our skills of collecting data and tallying, representing our data in a graph of our choice then we will present the data showing the conclusions we have reached. Exciting times for all those budding data analysts in the class!



General Studies homework – Due date November 20th

Good Morning Grade 3 and Grade 3 parents,

Following the success of last week’s student choice homework and amazing inspiration from Morah Lianna, I will be continuing this format of putting all instructions and links to sheets on the blog so students have control and responsibility over what they choose for homework.

This week there will be a choice of:

Pre learning* social studies task – click here to see the instructions and worksheet. (*pre learning simply means gathering information before in class learning begins)

Math homework – Click here for grade 3 level task and click here for challenge task

Language Arts – complete a  book review. You can use the review sheet found here or you can add the review directly to the library website. Click here to a full guide to writing a review on the library website.

Any issues or questions, please write a comment below or email me directly.


Miss M

Grade 3 Science investigators!

This week has been busy with scientific experiments (amongst other things!) We are almost finished our plants module and are ready to jump right into soil investigations (You would be amazed at home interesting and intriguing soil can be!) We will also be starting to look into structures and beginning to build.

We started with examining our  bean seed to see if they had sprouted or not – our guiding question was ‘Do seeds need soil to germinate?’. Some students had beans that had sprouted and some not yet. We questioned why that could have happened, answers ranged from how much light, how much water even the quality of the bean. We used magnifying lenses to inspect the seed and what had sprouted.


Students then replanted their bean sprout to see what happens next. They have the responsibility of keeping their plant alive and ensuring it has everything it needs. Once our beans have produced stalk, we will begin our Structures module and get ready to build a self sufficient watering device (get ready for the post about bringing in as many clean recycled items as you can… your garbage recycling team will be happy… The corner of my classroom… not so much!)


The next experiment involved looking into the stalk make up of a celery plant. The celery plant is different to other plants and we looked in to how its stem and cell make up was different. The experiment used our knowledge of a plants water needs. We added food colouring to the water and will be documenting what happens to the stem and the leaves.


Our food colouring has reached the edges of the Celery plant!

General Studies Homework (November 6th 2019) Due November 13th 2019

There will be no set homework this week due to the CAT-4 testing.

I will post optional homework below. Choose one task:

Recapping multiplication in a fun and different way – click here!

Challenge yourself with word problems – Click here!

Find an topic you are interested in and read about it for 20 minutes. Make some notes and share with me next week.

Create a review of a book you have read (this will go towards the reading challenge!) – Click here for a scaffold of a review!

All students will receive a hard copy of the homework they choose. If additional is wanted/needed click the links above.

*Reading is not a set piece of homework as it is expected at at least 20 minutes of reading is ENJOYED per night.

Any issues or questions about homework, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Miss M (f.mellenthin@theojcs.ca)