Your help is needed…

Good Morning Grade 3 parents!

We will be starting/continuing our Structures: Strong and Stable unit this week and I am sending out an official call for recycled supplies to assist in our building efforts!

Thank you to those who have already began sending in (washed out!) plastic and cardboard (I assume your eager children have passed on the message!)

If you have any cardboard from cereal boxes to paper towel tubes or plastic items – soda or water bottles to (clean) yogurt pots, I will gladly accept. We have a box in the classroom where students can drop off their supplies.

As always as questions, just email or leave a comment below.

Miss M

Scholastic Book Fair is here!

Hurray! It’s here…and aren’t we all excited!?

Grade 3 are (hopefully) going to have a sneak peak today and create their wish lists for you to see at home.

We, Grade 3, will be going on Wednesday 4th December Period 2 so if books are to be purchased please send in money on Monday.

Remember you (students) will be able to visit the Book fair before and after school and at recess times and I am hoping to plan another visit later in the week when there is another free time slot. The book fair will be open throughout parent/teacher conferences so parents are able  to visit also.

Any questions, please let me know.

Miss M

General studies homework – Due December 4th 2019

Hello Grade 3 and Grade 3 parents,

Please find below the following options for homework this week. Remember only one piece is expected but you complete as many as you wish.

This our final week of Data Management focus in Math class. We will be moving onto Measurement. Option 1 for Math is a pre learning task. Students are asked to create a mind map of “what do I know about measurement”.

If students are still wanting to practise data management skills here are a variety of word challenge tasks:

Science Homework is also looking at bringing knowledge into the class, ready to add to our new Structures unit. Here are some videos about strength and stability:
You task is to watch and create a visual of what your have learnt. That could be a poster, a flipgrid (ask Miss M for the QR or passcode) or a video. Pick a graphic organiser to help record your information as you watch.
Finally, Social studies homework. Create a rural and urban living chart (pick a hard copy from Miss M) and record examples of rural and urban living in your everyday life.
If you wish to complete a book review – please pick up a template from Miss M or create your own at home.
Any questions, as always please email or leave a comment!
Miss M

General studies homework Due November 27th 2019

Good Morning Grade 3,

Please find below links to your homework this week. As always you will be given the choice in class to select a piece you feel is appropriately challenging for you. If you feel that you want to complete another, I will have the paper copy in the classroom until Friday and after that you can access then via our blog.

The Math quiz next week (November 28th will be linked to data management, interpreting data and creating conclusions)

This week we are continuing our homework on Data management looking at interpreting our data and creating conclusions. The grade level math can be found here:


If you want to challenge yourself challenge math can be found here:

(shout out to for providing AMAZING free worksheets!)

As always a book review can be completed on paper or via the library. Please see last week’s post to access this.

Any questions or queries please feel free to ask.


Miss M

Scholastic book fair – From Tuesday December 3rd

Good Morning Grade 3 and Grade 3 parents!

See below for information about The OJCS Book Fair:

Just a few reminders:

1)  Students should bring money on their class visit day – I will post a schedule for Grade 3 book fair visit times.

2) You (parents) can pop into the book fair before and after school- it opens at 8:00AM AND this year it will be open during P/T Conferences in the evening.

3) Look at the teacher wish lists and donations would be greatly appreciated!

You can also send in a note for the class teacher, if you would like your child to select a specific book and we will be happy to help your child find it.


If you have questions, please feel free to contact.

Miss M