Grade 3 hard at work in Hebrew! Daily reading and writing is helping us improve!
Welcome to Grade 3, Shinshinim!
We had our first session with our new Shinshinim last week. Welcome Liam and Inbar, we hope to have lots of fun this year!
Math challenge!
In Grade 3, we LOVE math! We combined this love with developing our leaderships skills and worked together as a group to discuss ideas respectfully and on occasion, compromise!
Grade 3 have found their green fingers!
Take a look at our Science project! WOW! Look at how much our beans have grown. We will keep you updated on how the beans continue to grow.
The Grade 3 and 4 classes got together at the beginning of the year, to discuss leadership, and what it means to be a good leader. The students created a list of proactive leadership skills that will help them become positive leaders at school. The students each made their own leader to put onto class ‘Leader’ships. One student came up to talk with me to let me know that he couldn’t promise to do everything on the list. The classes then had a meaningful discussion about the times when it is hard to be patient, and be a good listener. We talked about trying our very best each day, and improving upon skills that are difficult for us. All the teachers have full confidence in the students, and the positive leaders they can be this year. We are getting excited for an amazing year!
A big THANK YOU to Monsieur P!
Grade 3 competed in a Soccer Tornament alongside Turnbull School, Westboro Academy and St. Laurent. Great athletic ability was shown all around and many leadership skills were attempted. In the words of one of our Grade 3 students, ‘THIS IS THE BEST DAY!’
Take a look at the Grade 3 leaders starting a science experiment… We will keep you updated!
As you all know by now, we had a very special visit to Hillel Lodge last week. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau joined the Grade 3 students and residents of Hillel Lodge in a pre-Rosh Hashanah event. We learned how to braid challah for the Ottawa Kosher Food Bank. The children enjoyed meeting an important Canadian leader. It was wonderful to see the Prime Minister take time to talk with each student and resident. I loved watching how proud one student was to introduce his great bubby to the Prime Minister. Another student was happy that the Prime Minister remembered going to his house a few years ago for Rosh Hashanah and asked how his family was doing. Following are their impressions: “It was cool meeting the Prime Minister, he was really nice. I had a lot of fun!”, ” I liked meeting Prime Minister Trudeau, he talked to all us.” It was a special afternoon, and a beautiful way to start the new school year!
Working as a team
Grade 3 spent time working on the skills needed to work as a team in General studies.
Shana Tova!
Grade 3 wanted to wish all of you a Shana Tova – to a sweet, healthy and wonderful year ahead!