General Studies homework – Due date November 20th

Good Morning Grade 3 and Grade 3 parents,

Following the success of last week’s student choice homework and amazing inspiration from Morah Lianna, I will be continuing this format of putting all instructions and links to sheets on the blog so students have control and responsibility over what they choose for homework.

This week there will be a choice of:

Pre learning* social studies task – click here to see the instructions and worksheet. (*pre learning simply means gathering information before in class learning begins)

Math homework – Click here for grade 3 level task and click here for challenge task

Language Arts – complete a  book review. You can use the review sheet found here or you can add the review directly to the library website. Click here to a full guide to writing a review on the library website.

Any issues or questions, please write a comment below or email me directly.


Miss M

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