Scholastic Reading Club


Order Due Date – November 19th 2019

Dear Grade 3 parents,

This month’s Scholastic Reading Club flyers are now available! Please take a few moments to explore the selection together and let your child help choose books he or she is excited to read. When children choose their own books to read for pleasure, they enjoy reading more and spend more time doing it!
Scholastic Reading Club flyers are made for you and your child to shop for books your child will love to read. Each month, the flyers are filled with trusted, excellent quality children’s books that are just right for your child’s reading level and interests.
Plus your order helps our classroom earn FREE books and resources!

Once you’ve made your selections, there are two ways to order:
Submit your order to me and pay by credit card or PayPal online at Your online order will be sent to me automatically.
Return the paper order form to me with a cheque made out to Scholastic Canada.

Please submit your order to me by November 19th 2019

Thank you for supporting your child’s reading success both at home and in the classroom!

Miss Mellenthin
PS: Please let me know if your order includes a gift for your child, and I will contact you when it arrives!

Our week in Grade 3!

Hello Grade 3 and Grade 3 parents,

It has been a few weeks since I posted an update of what been happening the Grade 3 classroom. So we started the week as Scientists…by Wednesday we were Data analysts and by Friday we were Google Docs experts (almost!)

Our current science module on Plants is ‘growing’ well! We investigated what happens to plants outside in the Fall season. We took our clipboards and magnifying glasses to the school garden and used our knowledge on photosynthesis to see why some plants were slowly turning into compost.

After, we started out bean plant experiment, our guiding question was ‘Do plants need soil to sprout?’. New scientific vocabulary was introduced when we built a hypothesis and added our procedure. We are currently documenting out bean growth and will update you on whether our hypothesis was correct.

We started a new module in Math : Data management. Building on our Math homework of looking into the language of math, we were introduced to new words such as; classify and interpret. We will be learning about collecting data and how to display the data through; Venn diagrams, Tally, pictograms, bar charts and double bar charts. Eventually we will bring our data to a conclusion and interpret what it means.

Structured Word Inquiry is in full flow in our classroom. We have been sorting and classifying prefix, base and suffix to build new and old words alike. We have also started our etymology research into where the prefix, base and suffix have originated from.

Our blogging challenge this week is linked to images online and what we can and cannot use with and without permission. Sites such as unsplash are excellent because copyright permission has been given and we are free to use. We also received our login  details to our school google accounts. We will be starting to explore google docs and google slides. We will be continuing our ‘personal interest projects’ but in a google doc so you can view from home all the amazing work.

November is also going to be our Grade 3 Kindness Month. We will be continuing to speak about kindness and what small things we can do to help each other out and brightening each others days as the greyness of November sets in! Watch this space for how Grade 3 will spread kindness throughout OJCS!

Verbs practice – תִּרְגּוּל פְּעָלִים

Ha’Shavuah B’Kitah Gimmel

This week in Hebrew class we worked on learning how to distinguish verbs that are singular, plural, male, and, female. The students worked in groups to prepare games to help us learn the new verbs we learned, and how to use them depending on who they are talking to, or about. We are looking forward to playing our games next week!

Hebrew project

Shalom Parents,
In the next few weeks we will starting a project on the topic of “Ani Gadol” or, “Growing Up”.
For the purpose of this project the students are asked to bring to class three pictures of them growing up. One picture of them as a baby, one picture of them as a toddler, and one picture of them now.
If you could please send the pictures with your child by next Friday November 8th so that we can start with the project the following week. If you cannot send hard copy pictures you can forward them to me by email.
Toda Raba,
 Morah Sigal


Grade 3 dictée – lundi le 4 novembre

Grade 3:



Dictée # 2: lundi le 4 novembre



  1. Spell the word in French.
  2. Translate the word into English (no marks for spelling).
  3. Spell the word in French and translate into English.



  1. la colle- the glue
  2. le casier – the locker
  3. les ciseaux- the scissors
  4. le pupitre – the student’s desk
  5. le bureau- the teacher’s desk/the office
  6. la poubelle – the garbage can

Blogging Challenge Week 2

Week 2 of the Blogging Challenge came with the focus of commenting. As a class, we discussed what a comment is, why is commenting important (or is it not important?), what comment can give (to the author of the blog), what is it’s purpose?

We also looked into the negative aspects of commenting and opened up a conversation around ‘trolling’. This part of the commenting learning curve will be re-visited through our digital footprint workshop with Miss Brigitte.

Here are the Grade 3’s in action, creating their first written comments on the class paper blogs. The next step for the class will be to review the comments as we open up the next part of the conversation around quality comments and the creation of our class commenting rules: