Terry Fox Run & Cleaning the Capital

Friday, September 24th, will be our first Dress Down Day! It also happens to be our annual Terry Fox Run. Therefore, all funds collected from the day will be donated to the Terry Fox Foundation. Please remember to bring in your donation.


OJCS has partnered with JNF Ottawa to ‘Clean the Capital’.  On Sunday, October 3rd from 1-3 PM OJCS families are encouraged to sign up to help clean our OJCS and JCC campuses. This is a great way to give back and help make a difference in our own community.

Sign up is limited to 25 people so sign up quickly at the link below:


OJCS Maccabiah Games 2021- Friday June 11th

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The teams have been announced for the upcoming 2021 Maccabiah Games! There was excitement in the air when our Knesset representatives, Coby, and Jonah, let the Grade 3 classes know that Team Gryffindor/Red Team would our team. Should you wish to learn more about the 2021 OJCS Maccabiah Games, you read all about it on our Student Life blog.

We will be working our magic over the next two weeks to get ready for this momentous day at OJCS. The link to the fundraising page can be found here: http://bit.ly/maccabiah2021

I even felt the need to start the competition a little early with Morah Lianna and Doc who happen to be on Team Ravenclaw/Blue Team.

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Kitah Gimel Model Seder- סֵדֶר פֶּסַח

We had a special Model Seder yesterday. 3A and 3B connected virtually to celebrate together. All the students took turns reading from the Haggadah throughout the Seder. Students from 3A became different characters and described themselves. Everyone sang beautifully and enjoyed the special Seder meal. Students from 3B finished off the afternoon performing a Pesach play. All of the students did a wonderful job in helping to make our Model Covid style Seder very memorable. It was the perfect way to usher in our Passover break.

Wishing all of our students and families a wonderful Pesach.
Chag Sameach!

Innovation Day Wednesday March 24th

You are invited to Innovation Day next Wednesday, March 24th at 2 pm. Please join in virtually to learn about Structures and Forces. We will be playing a game of Are You Smarter Than a Grade 3 Scientist!? Individual projects will be posted on your child’s blogfolio on Innovation Day.

If you are unable to join us at 2 pm please don’t worry. We will be recording the presentation and posting it to the class blog later in the day. All of the projects will be posted on your child’s blogfolio on Innovation Day. You can then enjoy visiting the blogs at night and discussing the projects in the evening.

General Studies Homework

Our homework this week will be online. The students can work on tasks on IXL

They can also make read and comment on the Class Blogfolios. The children are really excited to get comments from their friends and parents. We have talked about making good comments to our classmates. The best part of the practice is that the children are motivated to keep writing, and that just makes me smile.