Guest grade 3 blogger of the week – Our week by Emmett!

Hi, my name is Emmett and I was selected to be the blogger of the week.

It’s fun to be the blogger of the week.It’s like you’re a journalist!


In this video, I am leading the National anthem. When you are singing the anthem you need to stand quietly with your hands by your sides or at the back. This is respectful.


I am at Robotics club with my friends and here is a picture of us. Below is a picture of a robotic arm, I built this in the last week.


In our class, we are looking for kindness in everything. We have a kindness tree. Take a look at the picture and video below!


In Phys ED class, we play a game called Reality Mario Cart. We work in teams, each team has a scooter and they have to scoot around the gym. Every time you pass the start line you collect Mario money and points. What you do with the Mario money, once you have enough money you can buy different items to help you win!

I love this class, it is so much fun! Take a look below to see what it is like.


Me and my friends love spending time in the Library because we get to sit together and read funny stories. Our favourite book at the moment is Amulet.


Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you love the OJCS as much as I do.

by Emmett

Grade 3 bloggers!

It’s been a busy and exciting time in Grade 3 over the past couple of months. A small group of Grade 3 leaders were selected to form a ‘Little Bloggers’ group. The aim of the group was to introduce them to technology and online programs that they would need later on in their schooling life and beyond.

I could never have imagined the response from the students! They have been amazing; so enthusiastic and determined, soaking up all of the new information. From learning how to independently log on and off to creating a Google doc account and then creating an independent document. Changing font, size and colour – creating a personalized paper blog for their classmates to ‘comment’ (post it note!) From here, they evaluated the comments, assessing what made a useful/not useful comment and used this feedback to create an even better paper blog!

The next stage is to select a Grade 3 leader of the week (someone who has been showing leadership skills in all areas of school) and they become ‘Blogger of the week’. This will include documenting our school week, taking photos and videos of all the fun we have at the OJCS and sharing it on our grade 3 blog! The next group will be starting on Monday and our blogger will have his/her post up by Friday. I CANNOT WAIT!

I am so excited to see what Grade 3 will continue to produce over this year…Watch this space!

Our Hanukkah gift to Grade 3…

Good afternoon,

We have decided not to give homework this week as we know how busy our students in Grade 3 will be celebrating Hanukkah with their families.

In Hebrew, students will still receive their short reading tasks in their yellow books and we will be spending time reading in class. They DO NOT need to read at home.

Happy Hanukkah Grade 3!

From Morah Sigal, Mrs Bennett, Miss M and Monsieur P

Hanukkah Show Information

Our Hanukkah show is fast approaching and with all the preparations and rehearsals, I realized I have not shared key information about the evening:

  • The show will begin at 6pm and will last approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Children will be sitting with their class and teachers
  • All the children are asked to wear shirts or dresses (for the girls) that are colors of a flame (either orange, red or yellow)
  • The new families will be invited to the front with Rabbi Finkelstein to light the Menorah.

Any questions or queries, please feel free to ask!

See you on Thursday for our wonderful celebration.

Miss M