La fête de la francophonie

Hello, again today I will be writing about all the Citys of OJCS. What we are doing is all the classes in OJCS are choosing a place that speaks french and they will have to sing a song and everything. The class will also have to decorate their classroom door on the french speaking place they are doing. Grade Three is doing Monaco and Haiti. The door that is decorated best wins! The school will hear all the classes sing in an assembly (they will also see their doors) Both classes will get together and sing their song. Grade 3 is doing Chante by kids united. All the classes will have to make their door a vibe of their countries. The classes will have to learn about the places they are doing(like Kahoot  to learn more)


They all had a lot of fun learning! Please look at the pictures below


By Lyla 

Photos by Shayna


Monaco est un endroit magnifique et a beaucoup d’eau. Saviez-vous que plus d’un quart de la population est milliardaire?! Il y a aussi 1 ou 2 familles royales. Il y a même une rue qui porte le nom d’une princesse! Il y a aussi une course appelée le grand prix.

La plupart des millionnaires et milliardaires ont des yachts et certains sont des célébrités! Monaco a assez d’eau pour accueillir plus de 70 yachts et assez pour qu’ils puissent se déplacer! Il n’y a pas beaucoup de maisons, mais un tas d’appartements géants. Monaco est aussi un endroit très beau et cher où séjourner, mais c’est aussi TRÈS petit.

Monaco is a beautiful place and has plenty of water. Did you know that over a quarter of the population are billionaires?! There are also 1 or 2 royal families. There’s even a street named after a princess! There is also a race called the grand prix.

Most millionaires and billionaires have yachts and some are celebrities! Monaco has enough water to accommodate over 70 yachts and enough for them to move around! There aren’t many houses, just a bunch of giant apartments. Monaco is also a very beautiful and expensive place to stay, but it is also VERY small.

by Oren and Jonah


Bonjour, Haiti est un pays dans le Carribian. Haiti est célébre pour ses belles plages. 🏊. Haiti n’est pas le plus grand payscdes Caraïbes mais pas le plus petit non plus. Haïti est un pays dela merdes Caraïbes qui occupe le tiers de occidental 

l’ ïle d’hispaniola, il 

est bordé par la Republique Dominicaine à l’est et il partage des frontières maritimes avec  les Bahamas, la Colombi3, Cuba et la Jamaïque.


Haiti is a country in the Caribbean Sea that occupies the western third of the island of Hispaniola it is bordered by the Dominican Republic in the east and it shares maritime borders with the Bahamas, Colombia, Cuba, and Jamaica. Haiti isn’t the biggest country but isn’t the smallest country  

by Livia, Orly, and Noa


A French song is sung by 3A & 3B