Grade 3 Class Elections

Our class voted for a Knesset Grade 3 Representative on Friday afternoon. A number of students put up posters and made a speech to the class. We kept the whole process low key as this was their first election. We  told the children to share why they would make a good grade representative to the Knesset. The candidates got up in front of the class and delivered the most heartfelt and  sincere speeches. One candidate told the class that he thought Grade 3 was the best class, and how he wanted to share the class with the whole school. Another candidate shared that he was a good listener, and he would bring forth all the ideas from Grade 3. All the candidates did a fabulous job and demonstrated respect for each other. The children had a difficult time voting for just one person.  Congratulations to Adam L. and Emmett for being chosen as our Grade 3 Rep, and alternate Grade 3 Rep. They will make excellent leaders for our class. It was an afternoon to remember!

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