Reminder about Grade 3 field trip this week

Good morning!

This is just a reminder that Grade 3 (along with grade 4) are attending the Pumpkin Run sporting event on Thursday 10th October from 9:30am until approx 1:30pm.

Students will need to arrive at school in their gymkit/sport clothing. With the weather being as unpredictable as ever, I would suggest students bring layers of clothing (sweatpants, t-shirt, hoody, light rain jacket and sneakers). The races are staggered so alongside cheering and supporting other groups, their will be down time. I encourage students to bring along a book or playing cards. I will bring a soccer ball (space depending!) Beyblades will not be allowed on this field trip.

Students will be eating snack and lunch outdoors so ensure to pack food that needs minimal preparation and leaves zero trace.

Thank you for sending the permission trip forms back so promptly!

Miss M

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