Adam L. blogger of the week
This week was our Spirit / ruach week in Grade 3!!! Purim was on Thursday and it was so much fun!
Spirit week themes were dress up as your favourite:
- Hawaiian day
- movie or book character
- future career
- Purim costume
- PJ day
Now back to the class bits!
We always start our week with French class and we work in our cahier bleu: Blue folder. The cahier bleu is our booklet that has activities such as word searches and crosswords.
We’re doing stations in French class. This includes: Memory match, quia french, Mont a mots, and snakes and ladders in french: prudence.
Here’s some pics for y’all:
In Hebrew class we do a blue workbook. The blue book is a workbook we do in Hebrew class which teaches us new words.
In Hebrew class we’re making Kahoots! Our Kahoot! Is about purim. I’m making one about Purim with Benny. The story behind Purim includes Queen Vashti being humiliated by her husband, a murder plot against the king, a new queen Esther, a wise man called Mordecai, the evil Haman trying to wipe out the entire Jewish people, and the Jews taking revenge by hanging Haman and all of his sons. Yikes!
עכשיו יש עברית עם מורה סיגל! עכשיו אנחנו עושים ! Kahoot !
We just started shinshinim and I’m having a lot of fun!!! We played a game where you have 2 teams and you have to pick an emoji and do a mission that’s underneath the emoji. A person from your team to do the mission! But the emojis were modified from the original emoji and if you lose you have the shinshinim draw the modification on the emoji on you!!!
Physical Education:
I love❤️ gym!!! We always do fun activities! Games like: castle ball, soccer, dodgeball, and stations. I had lots of fun! Sometimes there are different stations like Badminton skills and target practise with hockey sticks.
In English class we always start by reading a book. I love books!
You always learn something from books. I love ❤️ to read Amulet, Harry Potter, and Septimus Heap. Now we are going to stop reading our books. There’s a new blogging group starting with Miss M. I’m so excited to see what they’re making!!!
The rest of the class that aren’t in the new blogging group are reading a story called Mr. Popper’s penguins! I think Mr Popper’s penguins is a great story!!! We also get to practise our blogging skills by making a google docs ‘paper blog post’ about penguins.
We have a mathematics classes everyday with Mrs Bennett and we are learning about Multiplication and division. I’m in one of Mrs.Cleveland’s’ group and we’re working on long division! I’m working on it and I’m getting better at it! We’re doing 3 and 2 digit long division!
LEGO Robotics:
Now we have LEGO robotics!!! Here’s a picture of Ian, he does LEGO robotics! We’re doing the inchworm. Inchworm is a robotic worm. We learn about the code to make it move.
In art we’re working on Egyptian cats. Some people finished their cats and are working on a bonus Egyptian drawing!
Thank you for reading my blog and hope you have all loved spirit week as much as I have! I hope you like it. Please tell me your favourite bit in the comments!
Adam L
Great post Adam!
I love all the different ways you captured learning during your week! You used text, pictures and videos to give us a great taste of life in Grade 3! Did you learn a new skill? Did you learn something about yourself that you can apply to your day job as student?
What advice would you give a classmate who is going to “guest blog”?
What will / would you do when / if you get a second opportunity?