Emet – Grade 3 blogger of the Week

Hi i’m Emet and i’m the blogger of the week. I like being the blogger of the week but it’s a bit hard to balance classroom activities with blogging.

I’m going to give you a summary of the week.

Here is Sammie presenting her blog to the class and showing us what comments she received. I hope to get lots!

In gym we played stealth and we did stations with Mr Bruno, our sub.

This is Robotics club, it runs at lunchtime. This week we made tech tech – a walking robotic. I really like robotics clubs because you get to make robotics and see them run. I like to program them with the Lego language.

This week in library, Brigitte did a workshop about researching and using keywords.

We did Math problems in General studies. A group of staff came in and asked us questions about how we were solving our math problems.

This is the Kindness tree, lots more people have gotten on the tree. So that must mean that our class are acting much kinder.

This is me and Sacha interviewing each other in French.

This is me interviewing the grade 3 rep for Knesset, Adam.

This is end of my portion of the blog, I hope you like it and I hope can say the say for then next blogger of the week.


Grade 3 Research Workshop

The Grade Three class enjoyed a research workshop with Brigitte today. They learned all about researching on internet using key words instead of typing questions into Google. Brigitte helped the students look at research questions and figure what key words would be good to use when conducting a google search. Everyone was very engaged in the whole process and some children even started writing their own research questions and key words. Miss M. and I are going to enjoy helping the children use key words while researching in class to help the students become excellent researchers this year.

Purim Carnival


Dear Parents,

Purim is coming up soon and Middle School is preparing a carnival and we are looking for small prizes to provide students. If you have any gently used toys, small gifts, “chachkas” or anything that you think a child would enjoy to choose as a prize, please send in your items to your child’s homeroom teacher.

We thank you for your support and help in making this year’s Purim festival the best ever!

(Thank you Grade 3 parents for any support you can give!)

Grade 3 Blogger: Sarah- Amanda AKA Sammie!

Hi i am Sammie, this week i am the blogger of the week.

Every body just came back from winter break so they are a bit tired, but we still had a good week. We have done a lot of fun stuff in gym, English, french and Hebrew.

In gym, we have played a lot of games that we enjoy such as Mario Cart, Spike ball, Cookie Jar, Evolution . Here you can see us playing at our stations class:

We have done a lot of fun math games also.

There is a new blogging group.They have made new blogs and here you can see what some of them look like:

In Hebrew, we are doing a project called ‘Who am I’. Here is a video showing how we did it:

We love library time because it educates us and it is also fun. In these videos we are reading with our reading buddies in Grade 8.

We LOVE Tefillah! We love it because we get to learn the words of the prayers. Each day different students get to be the leaders of Tefillah.

New bloggers!

A new group of bloggers have started their paper blogs and are very excited to teach what they have learnt about blogging to Grade 1 in January! The group will be teaching Grade 1 about commenting and feedback. Here they are talking about the planning process and how they have found the paper blogging journey so far:

Roots Project for Hebrew

Shalom yeladim and parents of kitah gimmel,

Over the next few months our class will be working on a project on the theme of ‘roots’, to gain a better understanding of their familial lineage, and as a part of my Professional Growth Plan. The students will need help from you – their parents, to find pictures, interesting family stories or articles, as well as communication with other family members (grandparents, aunts, uncles etc.) that they can speak to. Students will be given guidance throughout each stage of the project. The final task will be to compile a digital book that combines each stage of the project. The final project will be in both English and Hebrew.

I will be in touch after the winter break to provide more information,

Have a wonderful winter vacation!



Guest grade 3 blogger of the week – Our week by Emmett!

Hi, my name is Emmett and I was selected to be the blogger of the week.

It’s fun to be the blogger of the week.It’s like you’re a journalist!


In this video, I am leading the National anthem. When you are singing the anthem you need to stand quietly with your hands by your sides or at the back. This is respectful.


I am at Robotics club with my friends and here is a picture of us. Below is a picture of a robotic arm, I built this in the last week.


In our class, we are looking for kindness in everything. We have a kindness tree. Take a look at the picture and video below!


In Phys ED class, we play a game called Reality Mario Cart. We work in teams, each team has a scooter and they have to scoot around the gym. Every time you pass the start line you collect Mario money and points. What you do with the Mario money, once you have enough money you can buy different items to help you win!

I love this class, it is so much fun! Take a look below to see what it is like.


Me and my friends love spending time in the Library because we get to sit together and read funny stories. Our favourite book at the moment is Amulet.


Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you love the OJCS as much as I do.

by Emmett