General Studies Homework: October & November

The time has come!! We have a full week of school and we are launching General Studies Homework in Grade 3! For those of you who were in Grade 2 with us last year, the BINGO board should look similar.

Each month, I will post a new BINGO board. This board is for the last week of October and all of November. Students have been asked to complete at least one task per week, but they can complete as many as they would like. Students can keep track of their completed tasks to earn a BINGO prize. Prizes will be given for vertical lines, horizontal lines, diagonal lines, and a full bingo board.

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Please note: if technology isn’t your child’s ideal method of completing homework, all written tasks can be done by hand (paper and pencil) and brought to class. 

SPECIAL SHOUT OUT to Kayla for noticing my typo on the printed versions that the students are taking home today!

As always, please be in touch if you have any questions.


Blogfolio Permission Letter and English Homework

Your child will be bringing home a permission letter for Blogfolios in their backpack. I have attached the signed permission slips from last year to allow for changes before the blogfolios appear on the class blog.

Today we took a look at blogfolios from different grades, and we even started our first post on a google doc. It will take some time to complete it. The students are beyond excited and have asked if they can work on it at home tonight. I said yes 🙂 We will work on this post over the next week at school as well. I have also put some suggested skills for multiplication work on IXL.

Tonight’s Homework

Work on your blog post (Don’t stay up until midnight )

Work on multiplication skills on IXL

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out.

English Homework

This week’s homework is to work on the IXL math website for 10-15 minutes a day. The students should still be working in the diagnostic area at this point. IXl username and password information is in front of the homework duo-tang.

The students will also work on writing a paragraph. The paragraphs should be 5-8 sentences long. You will find a graphic organizer and lined paper to plan and write the paragraph. Students can choose any topic they wish. If writer’s block should occur, there are some prompts below.

Paragraph writing prompts 

1.Explain how you feel after you just won something. (game, prize, etc.)

2. Tell what your favorite TV show is and why.

3. Explain what your favorite thing to do is.

4. What do you like or dislike about school most?

5. Tell how to make________________.

6. Describe your favorite teacher, person, relative.

7. Write about your least favorite or favorite school subject.

8. Write about your favorite story character.

9. Write about a funny thing that happened to you.

10. Write about an embarrassing thing that happened