We have been busy learning, working, and having fun in Grade Three. Our Class Representative Elections took place a few weeks ago. I was pleased to see so many children throw their hats into the ring and run for the positions. It makes me smile to know that students want a chance to be leaders this year.
Eye-catching old-school posters adorned the classroom walls. The speeches were terrific. The candidates discussed their desire to listen to their classmates’ ideas and make this school year the best. It was the sweetest morning listening to every candidate.
All of the students who ran for class representatives should be very proud of themselves. I was moved and impressed with the leadership shown on Election Day. It is safe to say our classes will be well represented by Jonah and Nate this year. They have already been to their first Knesset meeting, virtually of course. Our alternate reps are ready and willing to step in if our representatives cannot attend a meeting.
Knowing so many students would like the opportunity to take on leadership roles in Grade 3 makes me smile. Now I need to make sure additional leadership opportunities happen. I know that this group of students is ready for the challenge. I have a feeling it is going to be a great year.
We had a special Zoom call with students in Israel. They made a special presentation on Israel for us and we made a special presentation on Canada for them. We had a chance to ask each other questions. We talked about our favourite foods, sports, and hobbies. We were happy to see that we had so much in common with each other. The teacher Gali Lev Ari was surprised to learn that some of our students are from Israel. We cannot wait to meet our new friends again. This is just the beginning of our year-long friendship project.

Here is the link to our DigCit Summit reading session we did with Noa Daniel.The DigCit Summit is a global event that focuses on positive digital citizenship and using technology for good. The classes in the video are from Scotland, Kenya, and New York. We had wanted to do the session altogether; the different time zones did not align that week. I wish we had the original recording of the session with did with Noa. All the students loved taking part in the discussion of the book. We seem pretty quiet in the edited session in the link.

Dr. Marialice Curran, the founder of the Digital Citizenship Institute, surprised us by buying a copy of the book Strum and the Wild Turkeys for our classes. Noa Daniel, the author, even inscribed the book for us. It was such a terrific surprise when we received the book in the mail. Our classes sent a thank you video to both Noa Daniel and Dr. Marialice Curran.
The students took part in the schoolwide initiative Postcards for Peace. The students heard a story about the war and Remembrance Day. They took time to have a meaningful discussion about the sacrifices veterans made so we can enjoy freedom and peace in Canada. Each child then took the time to write a postcard to veterans. Re’em made an iMovie of our postcards below.
Journalist of the Week- Livia
Hi everyone I’m Livia. I’m one of your new class journalists for this week in 3B. Today our class was working on our second post for our blogfolio. The class was buzzing with excitement about what they were writing. Our class is also very excited about our class jobs such as supply kid, teacher helper, journalist, line leader, pencil sharpener, clean up crew and much more. All the kids love doing their jobs to help around the classroom and even outside if they have to. We’re really lucky to have a class librarian because all our books are falling apart and lots of them are the books the kids love. Even though some kids weren’t that pleased about their jobs they know that there are so many more weeks in the year. Our teacher helper is really helpful any time a teacher calls, you know he is there. We each get a different time for different job changes on Friday every week.
Photo by Nate
This is the full list of class jobs: Teacher helper, clean up crew, organizer, supply kid, photographer, brachot leader, journalist, time keeper, peer support, pencil sharpener, scientist, line leader, tech helper, librarian, repair kid. Since we brainstormed so many great ideas we had two jobs left which were: messenger, recycler. Ms.Bennett was the recycler so sort of one left, but you know what I mean. I’m going to tell you what some jobs mean and the idea of them so peer support is about helping students with any subject and if they forget something in a different class, repair kid is about fixing things, time keeper is about making sure we’re on time. As we put aside that to the remembrance day assembly, we learned about people who served in the army, people who passed away, people who came home who were wounded and people who had to go to hospital.

Special thanks to Re’em for creating the Class Job Spinner wheel for Grade 3.