Starting the New Year in Grade Three

The Grade Three classes have had a great start to the school year. All the students and teachers are so happy to be back in the classroom! Everyone is settling into a school routine and is working hard at developing their learning and leadership skills.

Kindness is something we take very seriously in Grade Three. We started the new year off right by making special cards for the residents of Hillel Lodge, wishing them a sweet new year.


We spent some time reflecting on some behaviours we would like to work on this year. We discussed the importance of saying sorry when we say or do something hurtful to our family and friends. We wrote heartfelt letters before Yom Kippur.



To get into the Sukkot spirit we drew cartoon four species and had lots of fun while being creative. We cannot wait to shake the lulav and etrog with Dr. Mitzmacher in our school Sukkah. Our Sukkah hop on Friday afternoon will be filled with Ruach as we end our third short week of school. Stay tuned for more pictures!

Terry Fox Run & Cleaning the Capital

Friday, September 24th, will be our first Dress Down Day! It also happens to be our annual Terry Fox Run. Therefore, all funds collected from the day will be donated to the Terry Fox Foundation. Please remember to bring in your donation.


OJCS has partnered with JNF Ottawa to ‘Clean the Capital’.  On Sunday, October 3rd from 1-3 PM OJCS families are encouraged to sign up to help clean our OJCS and JCC campuses. This is a great way to give back and help make a difference in our own community.

Sign up is limited to 25 people so sign up quickly at the link below: 

OJCS Maccabiah Games 2021- Friday June 11th

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The teams have been announced for the upcoming 2021 Maccabiah Games! There was excitement in the air when our Knesset representatives, Coby, and Jonah, let the Grade 3 classes know that Team Gryffindor/Red Team would our team. Should you wish to learn more about the 2021 OJCS Maccabiah Games, you read all about it on our Student Life blog.

We will be working our magic over the next two weeks to get ready for this momentous day at OJCS. The link to the fundraising page can be found here:

I even felt the need to start the competition a little early with Morah Lianna and Doc who happen to be on Team Ravenclaw/Blue Team.

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Kindness and Blogfolios


Kindness has always been an important part of my teaching and my life. I always try to show kindness each day and model it for my students. Teachers always look for ways to help their students show kindness to everyone.

I was lucky enough to attend the worldwide prayer service for Rabbi Bulka last month. It was a beautiful and moving service. The words Rabbi Bulka said about the blessing of kindness, caring, and friendship have stuck with me to this day. The words Rabbi Scher wrote in an email a week later have also stayed with me, ” All of us can do our part to spread kindness in the world”.

The Grade 3 classes are a kind group of students. The students have shown much kindness to their classmates and teachers this year. They have helped each other with work, cheered up those who have needed cheering up, and made each other laugh.

Yesterday we talked about kindness and all the ways we have shown it. We talked about Rabbi Bulka and all the ways he has shown kindness. We talked about the #RabbiBulkaKindnessProject and brainstormed ways that we can show kindness during covid. The children had lots of ideas! We even made an iMovie about kindness.

Morah Sigal and I also have lots of ideas the spread kindness all around. Your children have hopefully come home excited to spread kindness to their family and friends during the February Break. There will be more kindness to come in March.


                                        Student Blogfolios   

We are so excited to announce that we have blogfolios. You will find them listed on the lower right side of this page if you are using a computer. If you are reading this post on a smartphone, the kids’ blog names appear at the very bottom of this blog post by scrolling to the very end.

Please enjoy the posts and leave a comment or two.

It has been wonderful to see the students so motivated and excited about their learning. I have seen such a big difference in the amount of writing produced since students started writing blog posts of their own. They are so engaged and the words just seem to flow. The students have told me how fun it is to write about topics they are passionate about.

The blogfolios will be a place where the students can document their learning. We hope they will receive comments on their posts and they can see that a larger audience, not just their teacher is reading their work. The students in turn will take greater care and put more effort into their work. I am so excited to be on this journey with the students. This is just the beginning of learning adventure in Grade 3. I even wrote two posts on my own blog about launching blogfolios in Grade 4  last year.

Goal Setting in Grade 3

On Wednesday, Marina Milyavskaya, Noa P’s mom, came to talk about goal setting. Marina led an informative session on how to set goals for yourself. She discussed personal and academic goals and fielded many questions from the students. Everyone set a goal for themselves. We talked about obstacles that may arise and specific steps we could take in achieving our goals. We wrote our goals down and learned that this makes us more accountable. The students and I will be revisiting our goals throughout the rest of the school year. Stay tuned to see how we reach our goals.

This amazing workshop is all thanks to Twitter. I replied to a colleague’s Tweet and Marina replied to me. Twitter is wonderful for bringing people together!

Celebrations All Around!

3A and 3B enjoyed the special celebration of the Hebrew language and Tu B’Shevat activities on Thursday. Morah Sigal prepared many meaningful lessons and activities for the students to do throughout the day.

The students made posters, poems and worked on writing Hebrew sentences. Both classes came together to play a Hebrew Kahoot game as well. Monsieur P., the students, and I would like to thank Morah Sigal for planning such a terrific day filled with Ruach.

Grade 3 Update

Here we are at the beginning of the fourth week on Remote Learning. Thank you so much for your cooperation and patience through this online experience. I have tried to make this experience as positive and interactive as possible for all of the students. Sigal and I are in our meets throughout the day to keep the students on track and motivated. I cannot even begin to imagine how difficult it has been to navigate work and the children’s school schedules. We can meet with your children 1:1 during the outdoor play period to help them with any work or assignments. Please send us a quick email, or have your child ask for help.

Each week I hope that this will be the last week, and each week I find myself back at the computer. Let’s hope the school reopens soon. I will be sending out a survey to gather feedback about our current schedule. Should we find ourselves in an extended period of remote learning, we welcome any feedback you may have.

                                                                  Student Blogfolios

We are about to launch our student blogfolios this week. I am as excited or possibly even more excited than the children. I know that the students will put more effort into their writing when they know more people will get a chance to read it. It is one thing to write a paragraph or story for the teacher. Writing somehow becomes more important when you share it with a greater audience. Grade 3 writing skills will improve! I have seen this happen with the class I worked with last year.

                                                                  Digital Citizenship
We are continuing our journey to becoming good digital citizens. We are practicing; in Google meets, Google Hangouts, and commenting on blog posts. I am happy to announce that the Grade 3 classes will be creating Public Service Announcements about digital citizenship.

                                                           Global Digcit Impactor Cohort

I am part of a global Digcit Impactor cohort. The purpose of this cohort is to bring educators from around the globe to learn and collaborate with the sole purpose of helping students become good digital citizens. It seems our Livestream presentation in the fall caught the attention of the founder of the Digital Citizenship Institute, Dr. Marialice Curran, and the CEO Belouga, Evin Schwartz. I met with Evin Schwartz in the fall, to talk about the wonderful things we were doing at OJCS.

Fast forward to the present day and I find myself a pilot project spearheaded by these inspiring individuals. For the past three weeks, I have been attending morning conferences and connecting with educators around the globe. We are sharing projects we want to do and ways we all collaborate. Dr. Marialice has been coaching me and she will come to coach our class one day soon on being good digital citizens. I am excited because even young students can become leaders and make a difference in the world. Our Public Service Announcements will hopefully include Hebrew, English, and French. These announcements will be seen by a worldwide audience. GO OJCS!

News from 3A & 3B

The month of November sped by this year. We were so busy learning and developing good work habits that time just flew. Our social studies projects were finished and recorded for our friends in Taiwan and Israel. We hoped they liked learning all about Ontario.

Four students recited the poem, I Dream a World, by Langston Hughes. This video was part of the Remembrance Day Assembly.

The classes also spent Remembrance Day talking about Peace and what it means to them. They wrote peace similes and put all of their work together into an iMovie.

Multiplication was introduced and students loved learning how to multiply through equal groups, arrays, skip counting, and repeated addition. The children who already knew multiplication were challenged with some problem-solving activities.

3B also had fun connecting with a grade 4 class in Tennessee, and playing a mystery number game. 3B taught the game to 3A and had fun with the game during one of our Friday community meets. 3A will be connecting with the same class from Tennessee for a future mystery number game.


In Language Arts, we have been reading the novel Mr. Popper’s Penguins. The classic novel by Richard and Florence Atwater is lots of fun to read and is exposing the students to rich vocabulary.

The students have also been working on their first blog post. It is amazing to see how much the students can write when given the freedom to write about a subject they love. All the students have been engaged and excited to write this way. One boy said, “This is so much fun to write this way”. The topics range from animals to cars, the human body to covid-19. I am so excited to see the students so motivated to write each day. I cannot wait for them to publish their work.

Our plants grew beautifully in class. We only had a few incidents of overwatering and moldy beans. The class took part in a STEM challenge last week to design and build a device that could water the plants. The classes were filled with 8-year-old engineers building and testing their devices. I manned the hot glue gun and made holes with scissors. The students learned to persevere, be patient, adapt their designs, so the watering devices ultimately succeeded. Yes, we had some water on the floor, but the joy on the students’ faces was well worth it!


This week we will be taking part in the Chanukah Door Decorating Challenge, and recording our song for the Chanukah Family Program. We are taking part in a special CBB Ruach experience this Thursday morning.

Blogfolio Permission Letter and English Homework

Your child will be bringing home a permission letter for Blogfolios in their backpack. I have attached the signed permission slips from last year to allow for changes before the blogfolios appear on the class blog.

Today we took a look at blogfolios from different grades, and we even started our first post on a google doc. It will take some time to complete it. The students are beyond excited and have asked if they can work on it at home tonight. I said yes 🙂 We will work on this post over the next week at school as well. I have also put some suggested skills for multiplication work on IXL.

Tonight’s Homework

Work on your blog post (Don’t stay up until midnight )

Work on multiplication skills on IXL

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out.