Good morning Grade 3 and Grade 3 parents,
Today a letter and permission form will be coming home regarding the soft launch of grade 3 student blogfolios!
The ultimate goal is to help students learn communication, reflection, and digital citizenship skills, including online safety, that will help them throughout their lives. Here are some examples of the different types of blogfolios from one of the older grades in our school.
Public Blogfolio – This student has been blogging since Kindergarten. It’s wonderful to see how her learning has grown and developed over time.
Public Avatar Blogfolio – This student has just begun her blogging journey and has chosen to keep her name and identity private. We are still able to see her growth and interact with her on her journey. Notice how students have learned to respect her privacy by using the alias in the comments as well.
Password Protected Blogfolio – This student has shared her name and is open to leaving some posts public, however when she shares pictures or videos, she has password protected the post. Only those who have been approved by her or her parents are allowed to know the password.
Private Blogfolio – This blog is completely private. Unless you have an Edublogs account and have been granted access to this blog, you will not be able to see the content.
If you could sign and return the permission form by Monday, March 9th, 2020, I will add an electronic copy here.
We are so excited to finally begin to build a spot for all of our awesome work! If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to email.
The Grade 3 team.