Hi I am Joel, the Grade 3 blogger of the week.

Grandparents and special friends day

On Monday it was Grandparents Day. This is where grandparents and special friends come and do class with us. There was an art show too. We are split up into different rooms, my room was the cafeteria and we have to solve the Hebrew puzzles. We have different partners. My partner is my dad. We did very good work together. I love my dad.

Our next station is bingo, and I got a bingo. We had to hear morah Sigal says the words and we have to look at our cards and see if we have it or not.

Our next next station is making a chamsa – the helping hand. We first had is to grab half of the hand and cut it out. Next we had to take a paper and glue on the chamsa

Here is a funny pic of Benny with his huge Watermelon!

Science and technology with Mr Ray

In class we watched a video of Israel’s population. Then we played on the IPad a game called co.spaces. We have to make a city on the Moon. It is so cool! I can’t wait to do it again.


In Hebrew we are working on our houses, this is my house. This is the last day to do it. I love my house.


In General studies, we heard watched last week’s blogger present. Then we had to write ten lines in ten minutes. Then we presented our public speaking speeches. We then had time to do quiet reading.


On Tuesday we read books. Then I led the anthems and we also listen to Mrs.Gordon about being supportive. We read literary books about why should we have windmills near the park why not. After we counted the books we read for the reading challenge.


We go to the computer lab to do documents and finish blog posts. After I played a video game called vex it was so fun and there was a funny part when I tried to jump to a locked act and it was so funny.


We are about to go to the Library here is a Pic Collage of different books. We are doing a project called book in a bag it’s about you have book and you describe it.


In gym we play four corner capture the flag. There are teams of five and we have to get six bean bags and your team has to steal the bean bags.


We are learning about fractions. We also had a turn on the smart board to write the fractions. That was really fun!


We are finishing our vegetable worksheet today. After we read our French play called les animaux du bayou.


We are playing a game when morah Sigal throws a ball to someone. Two people had a turn and morah Sigal did a funny catch! We do our homework writing.


In Hebrew we did our homework writing then we did T’filah here is a video.

After T’filah we had snack my snack. I had goldfish crackers for snack.
My favourite snack is seesaw crackers.

Then we had Torah writing and my partner was Adam.We did a section all alone!

At recess my favourite thing to at recess is … Beyblades!

So during English miss M was Mrs Bennett today! We did some math stations my partners were Adam,Sam,and Zoe.
My favourite station was Zap Zut but everything was fun.

For music Mr R was hilarious today he did improv for about three minutes. We played freeze dance at the end of music it was so so fun.



Miss M was Mrs Bennett again today. Mrs Bennett was at a Math conference. We did Math jeopardy which was fun. It was word problems using addition, subtraction, time, division and multiplication. Then we started a new creative writing project making our own fables.

We went to Hillel Lodge with Morah Sigal and we did baking with the residents.


We did T’filah and then we ate snack recess time!
We did group work with Morah Batya
Then we got to eat our baking form Hillel Lodge! It was so yummy!


In French we read about three teens going to Vancouver then we did not have enough time to play a game. I love French!

We started to make our own fables with Miss M and some people presented their ‘magical day’ piece of writing.
We got so many happy faces this week we got free time at the end of the day! I played with my friends.

Hope you enjoyed my blog post about Grade 3 and enjoyed all the fun things we do!

6 Replies to “JOEL – BLOGGER OF THE WEEK!”

    1. Hi Joel here!
      To Mom,
      Thank you so much for that comment Mom. Grade 3 is doing well. Which picture was your favourite?

      Love Joel

  1. What a great blog post Joel! I felt like I had really spent the week in Grade 3!

    What did you learn by being a guest blogger? Do you have any advice for other students who may be looking to blog as well?

    Keep up the great work!

    1. Hi its Joel here!
      Thank you for leaving a comment Dr. Mitzmacher.
      I learned how to make a PicCollage and to code. I learned about how to write different things through the week.

      The advice I would give is “Just keep trying and never give up!”

    1. Hey Joel is here!

      Thanks for leaving a comment! 🙂
      Just I want to ask you what was your favourite part?

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